R E A C H I N G  O U T • R A I S I N G  U P • R E V E R E N C I N G  C H R I S T  T O G E T H E R

J O I N  U S  S U N D A Y  M O R N I N G S   9 : 0 0 + 1 0 : 3 0  A M 

J O I N  U S
S U N D A Y  M O R N I N G S  
9 : 0 0 + 1 0 : 3 0 A M

He is Risen!

Our Easter Sunday services are April 20 at 9:00am and 10:30am. Join us as we celebrate the resurrection of our Savior. It will be a joyful morning of worship, reflection, and celebration of the hope we have in Christ. All are welcome—invite your friends and family to experience this special day together!

Good Friday

Join us for our Good Friday Service on Friday, April 18 at 7:00pm. This will be a meaningful and reflective evening as we remember the sacrifice of Jesus on the cross. Through scripture, worship, and quiet reflection, we will take time to give thanks for the Lord’s love and grace. All are welcome!

Welcome to Grace Community Church!


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