At Grace, we've designed our Men's Ministry to help men build real friendships and provide resources for spiritual formation and leadership.

Ironworks is now offering 2 meeting times! Join us on Thursdays at 6:00AM or 6:30PM in the Grace Coffee Co. Both groups are doing the same study. For more information contact Michael Lopes, mlopes@gccvisalia.org

Intentional Parenting
Do you want to raise your kids to be
passionate Jesus followers? Join us in a nine-week course designed to help parents with kids of all ages to be intentional about raising Jesus followers! The course will run on Sunday nights beginning March 2 from 6:00-7:30pm in the HSM Room. The cost is $10 per couple, which covers the class materials.
passionate Jesus followers? Join us in a nine-week course designed to help parents with kids of all ages to be intentional about raising Jesus followers! The course will run on Sunday nights beginning March 2 from 6:00-7:30pm in the HSM Room. The cost is $10 per couple, which covers the class materials.

Men's Game Night
All men are invited to Game Night! Come out the first Friday of the month from 7:00-10:00PM in the Atrium. For more information contact Michael Lopes, mlopes@gccvisalia.org